Contributor Information
Overall Statistics
This page displays statistics and information about each contributor including tasks, task logs, and assigned roles. Click on each box to learn more and view the data.
This section contains the role information for each member. Click on an individual card to learn more about their contribution to the project.
Select a card to view details about the contributor or team.
This section contains the role information for each team. Click on an individual card to learn more about their contribution to the project.
Select a card to view details about the contributor or team.
This section contains the descriptive information of all roles, and the overall roles summarized across tasks and members.
This table includes combined roles data for both individuals and teams, along with task and form completion statistics. You can download it using the buttons below.
This table includes task data for both individuals and teams, along with their assigned roles, statuses, and form data. You can download the information using the buttons below.